Protect & Preserve Scottsdale

Vote YES-YES For Your Safety

This year Scottsdale was fortunate when it came to wildfires. Next year we might not be so lucky. As every summer gets hotter and drier, nature and human-caused fires are a fact of life in Scottsdale and our Preserve. Thanks to the quick response and hard work of our Firefighters – plus a little luck […]

Prop 490 is about conservation of Scottsdale’s amenities

When Prop 400 was approved in 1995, my grandfather, Barry Goldwater, fully supported saving the open space we now know as the McDowell Sonoran preserve. From his early days on the Phoenix City Council and the US Senate, he worked to curtail development on the mountains around the city. The Preserve was purchased with the […]

Janik: Prop 491 – A straight answer to naysayers

Prop 491 asks voters to approve a $22M adjustment to the base expenditure limit. This amount is calculated and regulated by the state. The ballot language (tagline text) with the $22M request is standard text used by Scottsdale in the past along with all other cities. The spending limit for Scottsdale is based on the […]

Schweiker: Voting yes on Scottsdale’s Propositions 490 and 491

Check out this link from The Daily Independent at Dan Schweiker | Scottsdale If you believe in conservative principles or conservation or both, then voting yes on Scottsdale’s Propositions 490 and 491is an easy decision. Prop 490 would protect, preserve, and maintain Scottsdale’s McDowell Sonoran Preserve and parks, beginning in the Indian Bend Wash. […]

Mary Manross and Carla: Proposition 490 is a ballot measure created by Scottsdale residents to benefit our entire city.

The following op-ed appeared on  Time for some straight talk about Proposition 490. Proposition 490 is a ballot measure created by Scottsdale residents to benefit our entire city. It would improve and better maintain citywide parks; provide ongoing care, including wildlife habitat protection, for our nature preserve; and increase the police and fire departments’ […]

Paul Johnson: Vote yes on Propositions 490 and 491 this November

The following op-ed by Paul Johnson appeared in the Scottsdale Independent. Here is a secret: as the mayor of Phoenix, I always envied Scottsdale’s commitment to open space and parks. Phoenix has worked hard to protect its own open space. But the model for our state is Scottsdale. Your commitment to parks has improved your […]

Sam Kathryn Campana and Mary Manross: We stand together for Scottsdale

Former Scottsdale Mayors Campana and Manross wrote the following op-ed. It was published in the Scottsdale Progress. Recently, WalletHub rated Scottsdale as one of the top 10 healthiest cities in the country. What a great accomplishment! The article explained that one of the reasons Scottsdale rated so highly is because such a high percentage of […]