Check out this link from The Daily Independent at
Dan Schweiker | Scottsdale
If you believe in conservative principles or conservation or both, then voting yes on Scottsdale’s Propositions 490 and 491is an easy decision.
Prop 490 would protect, preserve, and maintain Scottsdale’s McDowell Sonoran Preserve and parks, beginning in the Indian Bend Wash. It would also fund associated public safety costs.
Prop 490 takes the place of an expiring city sales tax with a new one at a lower rate. It will not raise property taxes, so it’s a much better way to keep Scottsdale’s Preserve and parks in top shape. If a property tax were to fund these improvements the burden would be borne solely on the backs of Scottsdale residents and businesses.
Prop 490 has unprecedented legal protections to make sure the money is spent as intended. If only all government spending worked that way.
Prop 491 gives Scottsdale the freedom to spend the money it already has by adjusting state-imposed spending limits. It’s not a tax increase. If our local leaders want to spend funds to give our police officers and fire fighters the resources they need, they should not be hampered by limits imposed by bureaucrats nearly 20 years ago.
“Conservatives” opposing these measures clearly have lost their way. Let’s hope Scottsdale doesn’t lose its way. Please vote yes on Props 490 and 491.