Protect & Preserve Scottsdale

Pabis and Luoma: Improved parks, better public safety with accountability are good for Scottsdale

The Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce urges you to please vote yes on Proposition 490, the “To Protect and To Preserve Scottsdale” ballot measure. This measure will take the place of an expiring city sales tax at a lower rate to fund improvements and increased maintenance for parks citywide, beginning in the aging Indian Bend Wash Greenbelt. Prop 490 will also fund ongoing care for our McDowell Sonoran Preserve, including wildlife habitat protection. It will give police officers and firefighters the additional resources needed to keep us safe. The benefits to our city are immeasurable. A safe Scottsdale with quality amenities is also good for business. These investments help attract employers, generate tourism and bring more customers to existing city businesses. This economic activity keeps our quality of life high and our property taxes low. Everyone wins… read more >

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